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Printing and encoding (square labels)
- Printing and encoding 2D code and serial numbers
- Available for small quantity
- Available for printing or encoding only

Printing and encoding RFID labels

Printing and encoding are available for texts, images, 2D codes and serial/random numers with or without missing number.

Black color printing for texts and images

Texts and images can be prinnted in black color at any position. Label sticker is available as an option for full color printing.

Available for selection of RFID tags

"Printing and encoding are available for selection of RFID tags. See below list of RFID labels for more information.

Product type Name Label size
Antenna size
HF(ISO15693) MiniBlock 18×18 14.5×14.5 112
MiniTrack 18×36 14×31 112
39×39mm 43×43 39×39 112


54×86 50×82 112
RaceTrack 49×81 45×76 112
Block 50×50 47×47 112
MiniBlock NFC 18×18 15×15 48/768
Midas 12×19 10×17 144
MiniTrack NFC 18×36 14×31 144
RaceTrack NFC 49×81 45×76 144
56×16mm NFC 59×19 56×16 48/148